This week, we begin our video series, What’s the Story with Ali Reda?

I am happy to call Ali my great friend. He’s an outstanding coaching partner, co-author of our book, “How To Sell 100 Cars a Month”, he’s a phenomenal family man, and a pretty decent salesman. He also does an awful lot for and with us at Auto Training Academy. We are presenting this video series as an explanation of our luck, and a very sincere thanks for all his hard work and help.

In this video, Ali begins by telling us all what benefit he’s found in our mentoring relationship. I can tell you with all my heart that I’ve gained so much from working with him, too. We have these weekly calls, you see. We just talk about life and laugh about it, and figure some stuff out. 

We all need someone to bounce ideas off of – a mentor, a coach, a teammate. Sometimes, it takes some outside help to see our most natural abilities – where we thrive and where we struggle. There is so much that can be gained by sharing what we know about the ins and outs of sales, relationships, and all that’s involved in the day-to-day of it all.

  • What do you do well?
  • How can you improve the things you don’t?
  • Why did you say it that way?
  • Where are you advertising? Do they know you there? How well?
  • How are you following up?
  • Why was that sale so easy? 
  • How do we make them all feel that way?

Ask for help or give some. Allow someone the benefit of YOUR expertise, and you may be surprised at how easy it is to learn and grow in this together.

“If you feel like something’s wrong, you’re right.” 

Ali Reda 

And if it feels right, trust your intuition. Be yourself. Use your own vocabulary. I encourage you to find someone who challenges you, nurtures you, and fits your system of values. I sure did. 

Tell us about a person who has influenced your growth in the comments below.