Welcome back to the second episode in our “Real”-ationship Series. In our series introduction we met Kita, a real estate agent in Tennessee who is ready to get to her next level. We found Kita’s limiting beliefs, and began the work so that she may more accurately see the value she offers so effortlessly. Today Tara, an agent and friend in Kita’s market, joins in on the conversation too.

Continuing to get to the bottom of these limiting beliefs, we find that Tara is making judgments of herself based on what she believes that others are thinking. That’s what we found Kita doing too. She told us in the first episode that she’s not good at talking to people. We came to the realization instead that she is an incredible listener, and that’s the best thing she could possibly be for the position she’s in. 

We begin with the simple but eye-opening question, “Do you remember a time in your life when something didn’t feel right?” You know what comes next, don’t you?! I invite you to watch this week’s video, while visualizing yourself in total alignment.

That’s right, folks! You guessed it! To quote my dear friend, Ali Reda, “If it doesn’t feel right, it’s not right.” If it doesn’t feel right, it means we’re out of alignment.

Some of the judgments, roadblocks, and fears we have in our minds were placed there at a very young age. We put boundaries in place to protect our younger selves, and that was good. While those boundaries served a meaningful purpose for us then, we have to move past the idea that we need them anymore. We don’t.

We have to take a deeper look at the version of ourselves that we’ve evolved into, and realize that we don’t have to be afraid of the things we used to be afraid of. So much has happened since then. We have championed our obstacles along the way, and now we get to see ourselves as tough, as resilient, as survivors.

We have all survived something. And now it’s time we survive the belief system we set in place to protect the younger self who no longer needs to be protected. In applying this to the world of your relationships, what kind of beautiful things do you think you’ll be opened up to? What if you didn’t make assumptions about what other people thought of you? What if you were completely free from any fear of judgment? What if you fully operated out of a place of self respect and care for others? Can you see yourself thriving – emotionally, spiritually, financially, and in every relationship?

Asking simple questions can benefit you greatly in every aspect of your life! We should constantly be re-evaluating what we’re doing, how we’re doing it, and why. Bringing this concept into our business is the only way to ensure growth. As your business grows, the way you do things should grow too! It is imperative that we find an awareness in all we do. 

Write these questions down, and bring them into your daily life often.

  • How does it really make you feel?
    If something feels right for you, take time to figure out why. Lean into it, try to better understand all that you can about it, and do what you can to get more of that. If something doesn’t feel right for you, eliminate it. Simple.
  • Are you being yourself, and speaking with your true voice?
    If what you’re saying isn’t in your heart, you will come across inauthentically. Expanding on the above posed question, if it doesn’t feel right, you’re not going to seem right or sound right. 

Finding awareness in your daily life is imperative to success in all aspects of your life, and most definitely in your business. Paying attention to the process that works for you will make you more aware of the customer’s need and how to get to it. Write your sales process down today, and see if it’s time to revise.

Not sure where to start? Check out 3-Step Selling in Chapter 7 of Keep It Simple Selling. Make sure you’re taking it one step at a time, and being kind to yourself along the way. 

Tell us in the comments below, “What is the outcome you’re trying to get to?” and “What has to happen to get you there?” The awareness of the shift and the magic in reaching a new goal will propel you to the next easily. Share your experiences below so we can learn from one another!