Welcome back to our video series, “What’s the story with Ali Reda?”

So far, we’ve learned from Ali how our friendship began with a bang! Ali & I have both found great growth in the mentoring relationship we have. Not just in business – in personal movement, happiness, boundaries, and in life.

Apparently, Ali thinks I’m pretty awesome. I really cannot say enough about the greatness of my humble and flattering friend either. The truth is, Ali is a great coach to me, too. That’s one of the benefits of our collaboration: We are always learning from each other!

Our hope is that you find the ‘Damian’ to your ‘Ali’, the ‘Ali’ to your ‘Damian’. We want you to find someone who fits your personality, your values. Find someone who encourages your forward movement, nurtures your spirit, and helps you find a way to make your business really work for you. We want you to find someone who becomes not just a coach, but a most magnificent friend.

I invite you to watch this week’s video and learn a little more about me and Ali Reda.

“I just know what I feel is right in what I do. Damian is able to see things that we, as salespeople, can’t see.” Ali Reda

In the comments below, tell us a little about your coach.