Last week we began our new video series, What’s the story with Ali Reda?

In the first video of this series, Ali began to tell us about the benefit he’s found in the mentoring relationship that he and I have. I can tell you with all my heart that I’ve gained so much from working with him too. 

This week, he tells us about his “unattainable” goal of 60 cars a month. He knew his dream number. Gradually he got there, and as you know – surpassed it! 30 to 40, 50 to 60, 70….

“I never set out to sell 140, I just kept going.” 

Ali Reda 

What’s your dream number?

Get there by way of your next level. What’s that next step on your ladder of success? I invite you to watch this week’s video, and learn a little more about Ali Reda.

It’s not an easy road. It’ll be hard work, and it’s going to take some time. You’ll have to get there gradually, just like Ali did.

Here are a few steps you can take today to get you there.

  • Get a mentor. We talked about this a little last week, remember? It’s so important to have someone on your team – someone to ask you questions and help you to get your picture. It can be a manager that you work well with, a co-worker that you trust, or you can join us in the 100 Cars Club and have me and Ali as your team. We want to help you succeed!
  • Write down your next level number. That’s right! Easy as that. The year that Ali broke Joe Girard’s record, he kept a post-it note on his computer with the number he wanted to sell that year. He saw it every day, keeping that goal in his mind all the time, and it worked!
  • Write down your process. No, not the dealership’s process – 24 steps to nowhere. Write down YOUR process. Pay attention to what you’re doing. See what works, and what you should revise. Your process should evolve as you grow. Is it time to adjust yours?

What’s your next level? Tell us in the comments below.