There is plenty of talk this month about spring cleaning. It’s essential that sales pros take time to declutter, too. Mentally, that is.

If you’re like me, you’ve probably taken at least one detour through the streets of “Pity City.” Negative self-talk and limiting beliefs will sideline your success. Instead of languishing in Pity City, it’s time to get moving! It’s time to get rid of negative self-talk that’s holding you back. Remember, Henry Ford said: “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”

Let’s turn down the volume on the constant mental chatter that’s not serving you well. Watch my latest video about the danger of the scarcity mindset. You’ll discover how to access exactly what you need for success.

Do you use positive affirmations to keep upbeat and enthusiastic every day? Share an example of one of your favorite affirmations or mantras in the comments section below.