Okay, friends! Now we’re really getting somewhere. So far in our video series, Be Aware of Your Business, we’ve been walking you through your past. You’ve been gaining awareness in who you are, in your process, and in what your customers want. And now, we’re going to begin to make that shift.

Let’s talk about your community. You remember last week when we talked about how to show these strangers that you care? Well, what if your customers already knew that about you? I invite you to watch this week’s video to see more about growing your tree, and having a business that thrives because of it.

So, what do you need to do to begin the shift?

  • Slow down and pay attention.
    Read their body language, and match them. To connect more easily, speak at their level.
  • Eliminate risk. Make sure they know that they don’t have to do anything today. To have your help and guidance, all they have to do is know you. Reduce the customer’s risk, and make them feel comfortable with you. Just build a relationship!
  • Grow your tree – your community, that is. Connect with the people who know you, and bring value to those relationships. Bring help, awareness, recognition, and appreciation to every relationship you have.

So basically, just notice the people in your tribe. Be part of your community. Praise the people who are doing a good job, and show concern for the people who might not be having a great day. You’re not trying to sell anyone, you’re just trying to be there for your people. You’re just trying to be the best you that you can for the people around you.

Want to keep learning? Jump into the Auto Success Blueprint. In this FREE training program you’ll learn how to go beyond the basics of dealer training and get to YOUR next level of success quickly. If you’d like the blueprint to success in the auto industry – just click here, and you’ll get instant access to Videos 1, 2 AND 3, where you will hear about the goldmine opportunity you’re sitting on, how to maximize your potential, and how to overcome adversity. (You’ll also have the option to join the ATA Member Site for FREE, where you’ll find all 20+ of the Auto Success Blueprint videos and support materials.)

Be magnetic. Be attractive. Give people what they need, and they will see you for who you are. Ali is 100% relationship business, and he has been for a long time. Make the shift, my friends. Don’t be stuck in the dealer’s business. Create your own!

Be sure to join us next week, as we dive deep into that apple tree and begin to shift your business from the transactional world into a 100% relationship business. In the comments below, tell us if you’ve already started to make this transition. What’s your ratio?