You’re excited, right!?! 

I am too! This is where it gets really good. Let’s take a look at some numbers, yeah?

When your business is transactional, you make somewhere between $60-80 per hello. Sounds pretty good, right? But when you’re in the relationship business, you’re selling to 80-90% of the people you meet. We talked a little last week about that relationship tree you’re building, and that’s why we started the video series, Be Aware of Your Business.

The people you add to your tree are your friends! Every hello becomes a new member of your own little (or big, hopefully) community of people who like you, trust you, believe in you, AND will want your help when they need it. 

Right now is not the answer for the community business model. The future is the answer. The benefit of the business model is in growth and profit, and when you’re in the relationship business, those numbers are way different. Every hello jumps all the way up to somewhere between $500-700. Guess that makes your hourly rate pretty astronomical, huh?

I invite you to watch this week’s video, as we explore a few more benefits of relationships.

Relationship Selling will change your life. It’ll make business feel good, and it’ll make you feel great about what you’re doing for people as a friend and advisor. Need to see more benefits? No problem!

  • The relationship business will make you proud and profitable.
  • Relationship selling will make your business scalable. The more people you talk to, the more people you sell. And the more people you know, the more people know you. And the longer you sell, the more you sell. So your growth goes up steadily year after year as long as you’re still talking to new people.
  • In the relationship world, your customers trust you. You’ll find the same people trading more often, and sending more of their loved ones to be helped by you. You can’t ask for trust, and it cannot be demanded. It can only be given. And as you continue to help the same friends over and over, the trust will be gained and the loyalty created.
  • The relationship business is a sustainable business. 

Because you’re not waiting on your dealer’s customers, you don’t have to be there all the time. You get to choose the life, and the schedule that works for you and the quality of your whole life. 

This is the simplicity of our business model. It takes hard work and determination to begin, but the rewards are great! Your life should be yours, and we want to give you all the tools possible to do just that. Make sure to follow Auto Training Academy to stay up to date on our newest lightbulb ideas!