Hello again, my friends! We’re so happy to have you on this journey we’re calling Begin Again. We’ve been learning some amazing tips relevant to today’s market, and don’t you worry, folks! There’s plenty more to discuss. 

Last week, we told you to reach out to everyone you know to tell them all what’s going on in our industry. There’s plenty to tell. You know all that you do because you’re in the automotive industry. You’ve been getting updates along the way, but most people you know have not. They need to know what’s happening, and you are just the sales advisor to do it!

Are you ready to start doing the work? I invite you to watch this week’s video, jot down some notes, and start planning for your success.

Don’t panic. It’s going to be okay. This has always been a fluctuating industry. It’s important for you to remember that the down times go back up. This is not going to last forever. It’s just a snapshot in time. Now is the time to connect. Now is the time to be heard, to be the voice of reason, and be the one with the answers. 

Want some more ideas about what to share in your newsletter?

  • Relevant information about our industry. – Be current, informative, and transparent. You’re not trying to sell them a car. You are an advocate for your community. All you’re trying to do here is update and educate them. Tell them what’s going on with inventory. Tell them why people keep trying to buy their car. Start the conversation, and continue to give them the knowledge that you have as things change. You’ll be the first to tell them when the cars are coming back. You’ll be the first to tell them when the prices go down. This is valuable, and they’ll have confidence in you for being the one who was willing to keep them in the know.
  • Promote your community. – Give a shout out to your local dry cleaners, the new restaurant that just opened in town, or your favorite coffee shop. Feature a person who lives in your area who does something that’s good for the neighborhood. 
  • Make people smile. – Add in a recipe. a joke, or maybe a link to a funny video. 
  • Be a force for good in your community. – What’s happening this month locally? What events are the schools putting on? Is there a food bank that needs volunteers nearby? Or a non-profit that is doing good work that more people should know about? 

Interested in learning more with us? You know it’s possible to reach incredibly high sales numbers – others are doing it. So, where do you start? What can you be doing this month to get to that next level? Join me and Ali in the 100 Cars Club now! 

Right now is the time to advertise. Because the market is giving up, you will be the only voice they hear. Send out that newsletter to everyone you know. Have fun, tell them what’s going on in the industry, and promote local businesses. It’s just a way to start a conversation, offer information and value, and be part of your community. 

Got another great idea for the rest of our readers? In the comments below, tell us what people love about your newsletter.