We’re back with our video series, “What’s the story with Ali Reda?”

Bringing you up to speed, we’ve been hearing from Ali on the importance of being part of a mentoring relationship in getting to those next level numbers. 

The goal is to make the transition, and get out of the transactional business completely. We don’t want you living paycheck to paycheck. Our hope is that you won’t ever have to worry about the next up again. 

I invite you to watch this week’s video, as Ali tells us about the evolution of his career from transactional sales into an all relationship business. 

We want you to have people coming in to see you constantly – people who already know you, trust you, and believe in you. We want all of your friends to know that you can help them, and we want you to have plenty of friends.

How should you begin to build this business?

Well, in your very own community, of course!

  • Advertise locally.
  • Be present in the places where you advertise, and allow people to become familiar with who you are as a person, as a friend, as an advisor. 
  • Advertise by being yourself. You don’t have to impose. When you are who you are at your best, people will want to remember you. Let them ask for your name. They will. 

Click here to read Chapter 6 of Keep It Simple Selling. It’s all about creating more of these connections, and where to go to find them.

How do you advertise? Tell us in the comments below.