Here we are again with Be Aware of Your Business. In our video series so far, we’ve been discussing the importance of paying attention to yourself so that you can dig in to the things that bring your best and truest self to light. 

Living in full presence to who you are will allow you to be there for your customer in incredible ways. Practice presence, and be diligent. It’s going to take some work, but it’ll be well worth it.

In a recent webcast call, 100 Cars Club member Gabe asks about Chapter 4 of Keep It Simple Selling. I invite you to watch this week’s video, and let me tell you a story.

In Chapter 4 of Keep It Simple Selling, I tell a story about the service I received at a restaurant. The story is not so much about what went wrong, but about how the problem was handled. The manager did everything she could do to bring joy into a situation that could have been a negative one. If you’d like to read the whole story, just click here to get the book.

What was most impressive about this experience is that in solving my issue, the manager followed the four demands that I expect in problem resolution. We’ve talked about this before. Do you remember the four demands of every customer?

  • They want a perfect product… which we all know is not possible. Mistakes happen – there will be imperfection. It’s all about what you do to fix it!
  • They want it now… again, probably not possible. It’s all about how you handle it!
  • They want a delightful experience. Your business will be judged based on the performance of your sorriest employee. You have to manage every part of your sale – you want to be part of their service FULLY. 
  • They want to know you care. 

The only way to show you care in a way that builds loyalty is when one of these three things don’t go right. When it’s not perfect, how you respond. When it’s not timely, how you get them answered. When it’s not delightful, how you fix it. That’s how you get care!

In the comments below, tell us about a customer who knows you care. What kind of experience did they have that makes you sure of their loyalty to you?