Referrals are HUGE in business. The great news is that you can get a lot of referrals without having to ask for them. That’s right; no awkward “asks” or groveling.

Referrals will come to you…when you are willing to GIVE referrals to others. It’s the law of reciprocity. Hook people up, promote other people’s businesses, write a testimonial, share a post. These small – and kind – actions will get the attention of others who can talk you up to friends and family.

Just remember: GIVE IS THE NEW ASK. Be kind and live with the intention of helping others. Amazing things will happen.

How can you be more helpful to people in your network? These aren’t simply names in a database; they are hardworking humans just like you. In the comments section below, write down one takeaway from today’s message that you can start doing right now to get referrals.