Last week in our video series, Ali Reda’s Road to Sales Success, we began to tell you about our new friend Carlos. Are you excited to hear more!?!

Weeks 2 & 3 of Carlos’ new career were spent in an apple tree. You see, we all have an apple tree full of important people who already know us, like us, and believe in us. Carlos spent the next two weeks talking to old friends and marketing himself.

Watch this week’s video to hear more about it from Ali Reda!

Carlos spent his second week making calls, reaching out to people on his social media, and visiting with old friends. He kept a list of who he’d contacted with notes of the message he left or the conversation they had. He didn’t call to say, “I’d like to sell you something.” He called to say, “Hi”, tell them how excited he is about his new career, and let them know where they can find him.

Of course, his friends began coming in to see him immediately. Carlos began his career in relationship sales – 100%. He has had no transactional customers. He’s created his own business. RELATIONSHIP ONLY AUTOMOTIVE SALES!

Grow your relationships. Grow your business.







So, how do you grow and feed your tree?

  • Reach out to all of your contacts. Invite everyone in to have coffee with you and catch up. Ask about their lives, and tell them what you’re up to. What are you excited about? Share it with your people.
  • For more about Presence, Connection, and Relationships refer to Chapter 5 & 6 of Keep It Simple Selling. Treat all of your people like royalty, like they are your best friend, your sister, your children. Take care of everyone the same way – very well!
  • Be present where you advertise.
    You are a real person. Let people know that!
  • Create an emotional connection.
    Build your relationships into bonds and trusts creating meaningful, personal friendships.
  • Be their advisor.
    Help them find what they’re looking for based on their needs. Be compassionate, get them a solution that fits all of their hopes that they can afford. Take care of people so that you are a trusted guide for them. They will always come back to you if they know you are FOR THEM!
  • Go home.
    Be present with the people that you’re doing all of this for. Separate work from home, and make sure you have a healthy balance between them. Pay attention to the wins of your children, thank your wife for all she does to take care of you. Send some flowers. Don’t just love your customers. Love your family. Love your life. Be good to yourself.

In the comments below tell us about one of your relationship sales. Did you feel the ease in it? Can you see a difference in yourself in this type of interaction? What did you like about it? Any dislikes? Share an example so we can all learn from each other!