In our video series Communication is Key, we’ve been digging deep into high level communicating. We want you to be comfortable and successful in this business, and to do that you have to speak with enthusiasm, sincerity, and skill. 

Since you’ve had some time to start implementing the ideas presented in our Communication is Key video series, can I ask you to do me a favor? Let’s revisit the questions we started our series with. 

Ask yourself these questions before you start your next conversation:

  • Do I speak from my heart and tell the truth?
  • How do I bring my words to life so that I am a powerful and compelling communicator?
  • What am I currently doing that is causing me to connect with people so naturally and intuitively?

Have the answers changed since the last time you asked yourself? 

Can you already see some differences in your inflection, tonality, or melody?

You know we don’t just speak with our mouths. Let’s take a look at really reading people. Most of us don’t even realize how much we are saying through body language. It speaks louder and faster than words, and can either connect you with someone instantly, or repel them equally as fast.

I invite you to watch this week’s video, and pay close attention to Ernest. 

In order to learn to read other people’s body language, you must first be aware of your own. 

Watch people, and mimic their posture, expressions, and positioning. Be aware.

How do you feel? 

What emotions and thoughts are you giving off in this position? 

Remember, communication is only 7% words. So, what are you saying with the rest of yourself?

Want to keep learning? Jump into the Auto Success Blueprint. In this FREE training program you’ll learn how to go beyond the basics of dealer training and get to YOUR next level of success quickly. If you’d like the blueprint to success in the auto industry – Just click here and you’ll get instant access to Videos 1, 2 AND 3, where you will hear about the goldmine opportunity you’re sitting on, how to maximize your potential, and how to overcome adversity. (You’ll also have the option to join the ATA Member Site for FREE, where you’ll find all 20+ of the Auto Success Blueprint videos and support materials.)

Head back to the beginning of the Communication is Key series, and think about how far you’ve come since we started. What has changed? Are you paying closer attention to yourself, and the air around you? Tell us what you find in the comments below.