We’re back with the “Real”-ationship Series. In our last video, Kita, Tara, and I began talking about the best and worst parts of this business. When you’re in sales, there may be some ideas thrown your way on how to do things, but those strategies don’t always align with your values.

This happens to most of us. We make it to a point where we’re in those beginning struggles, and we want to put our hands up and surrender. We want to quit, and just scream, ‘This does not work for me!’ That’s what it looked like for me once. I was ready to get out of this business.

So today I want to share a story that’s near and dear to my heart—my own journey in the car business. It’s a tale of perseverance, focus, and ultimately finding where you truly belong. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s dive in! I invite you to watch this week’s video. I’ll tell you all about it!

I was giving everything I had to this job, but after two years, I realized something: I hated it. The constant pressure, the need to convince people I was a good person while trying to sell them a car—it just didn’t sit right with me.

I decided I was going to quit. But when I went to my general sales manager, a man who believed in me from the start, he wouldn’t let me. “You’re too good!” he said. “You connect with people better than anyone I’ve ever seen. You’re funny, you have fun, and you’re really good at this.” I argued that I hated the business, how it made me feel, and the disconnect between my values and the job.

I felt trapped. I didn’t have an education, and I had no idea what else I could do. But my manager saw something in me that I couldn’t see. He suggested I take a leave of absence instead of immediately quitting.

That break was a turning point for me. When I returned, the world was different. I knew that I wasn’t supposed to do it their way – the way I was taught. This business was mine, and I had to come at it from an angle that felt right for me. I came back from that break with a new perspective, refreshed and ready to reach my next level… and that’s exactly what I did.

In the comments below, tell us “Are you ready to get to your next level?”