Thank you again for joining us in the “Real”-ationship Series. Let’s get right to it! In 2010, as we emerged from the financial crisis, the car dealership world was in turmoil. Dealerships were closing, and the industry was struggling to find its footing. It was during this time that I coached a seminar on the model of relationship selling, a method that emphasizes the importance of building genuine connections with clients.

At the seminar, there was a young man who clearly didn’t want to be there. Despite selling 25 to 30 cars a month – a number that many consider impressive – he was dissatisfied. The prevalent belief in the industry is that selling 30 cars a month is a significant achievement. But I have seen salespeople sell 80, 90, even 100 cars a month. The difference is, those who sell a high volume of cars through transactional methods often find themselves overwhelmed and unable to find a balance.

After the seminar, the young man approached me. He asked if Greg Cole, a top salesperson from Nashville, was real. Greg sells 60 cars a month at Beaman Automotive, while other top performers like Cal and Derek sell 73 and 100 cars a month, respectively. When I confirmed that Greg was real, the young man wanted to speak with him. I connected them, and Greg shared his secret. Watch this week’s video to hear more about what Greg had to say.

Greg’s secret was simple: He stopped talking to people who didn’t know him, focusing instead on his community, his tribe. Greg explained that once he shifted his focus to helping people he knew and cared about, his business skyrocketed. It became easy, simple, and rewarding. He was no longer just selling cars; he was protecting his community from unscrupulous car salesmen. Greg’s mantra became, “My job is to protect my friends and their friends from ever having to deal with a sorry-ass car salesman again.”

This approach resonated deeply with the young man. They realized that their true job was to protect their friends and loved ones from bad experiences. When they adopted this mindset, their sales and personal satisfaction increased significantly.

I recall a moment during the seminar when Tara, one of the attendees, had an epiphany. She realized the authenticity and alignment in helping others genuinely. She lit up, feeling the powerful connection between her work and her values. That’s the essence of relationship selling – helping, protecting, healing, and loving people.

This business isn’t just about selling; it’s about building relationships and leading with your heart. It’s about ensuring that your friends and their friends never have to endure the horrors of dealing with unscrupulous salespeople in your industry, whatever it may be.

So, if you’re in sales and feeling stuck, remember this: focus on your community, the people who know and trust you. Protect them, help them, and your business will not only thrive but also bring you immense personal satisfaction.

Next time, I’ll have you write down some key points to help you adopt this mindset and transform your business. Until then, remember that relationship selling isn’t just a method – it’s a way of life.

Before you start your next conversation, ask yourself a few questions…

  • Am I ready to let this customer see the real me?
  • Am I ready to speak from my heart?
  • Am I ready to make this interaction about their needs?

The choice is yours. Do you want to be yourself – friendly, attentive, and happy to serve? Or do you want to keep reading the script? Be authentic. Be yourself. Let them in so they can see how lovable you are. 

In the comments below, tell me a story. What are you doing to go the extra mile with your customers and referrals? Share an example of something small you may be doing that’s bringing some big results. Maybe it’s answering a phone call when it’s inconvenient or truly listening instead of selling. Share your experiences below so we can learn from one another!