by DamianBoudreaux | Feb 17, 2020 | "What's the story with Ali Reda?", Relationships
Here we are again, with the video series, “What’s the story with Ali Reda?” You may be thinking, “What is Ali Reda doing with Auto Training Academy? Isn’t he plenty busy with other things?” We often ask ourselves how we became so lucky to have the expertise of this...
by DamianBoudreaux | Feb 4, 2020 | "What's the story with Ali Reda?", 100 Cars Club, Ali Reda, Sales
Last week we began our new video series, What’s the story with Ali Reda? In the first video of this series, Ali began to tell us about the benefit he’s found in the mentoring relationship that he and I have. I can tell you with all my heart that I’ve gained so much...
by DamianBoudreaux | Jan 26, 2020 | "What's the story with Ali Reda?", Ali Reda, Auto Training Academy, Damian Boudreaux, Leadership, Mentorship
This week, we begin our video series, What’s the Story with Ali Reda? I am happy to call Ali my great friend. He’s an outstanding coaching partner, co-author of our book, “How To Sell 100 Cars a Month”, he’s a phenomenal family man, and a pretty decent salesman. He...
by DamianBoudreaux | Dec 19, 2018 | "Communication is Key" Series, Communication, Communication Skills, Engagement, Leadership, Personal Development, Relationships, Sales
We all need someone to bounce ideas off of – a mentor, a coach, a teammate. Sometimes, it takes some outside perspective to see our most natural abilities – where we thrive, how we struggle, and ways to improve. So much can be gained by sharing. What did...
by DamianBoudreaux | Dec 7, 2018 | "Communication is Key" Series
In last week’s video, from the series, Communication is Key, we began to teach about energy. Being able to produce energy that you need should be a critical part of your process – not only for your extra kick in the middle of the day but also for the energy that...