Thank you again for joining us in our video series, the “Real”-ationship Series. We’re back with our friends Kita and Tara to continue our conversation. We’ve been finding freedom from limiting beliefs, and today we introduce the vital power of focus.

In every aspect of your life, what you choose to focus on can dramatically shape your experiences and outcomes. Our minds are powerful tools, capable of amplifying whatever we give our attention to, for better or for worse.

Tara, who’s been in the real estate business for almost three years, shared with me the joy she feels when she hands over the keys to a new homeowner. That moment of seeing someone achieve their dream is what she loves most. She also highlighted the less desirable aspects of her role. Tara has the choice every day to decide if she’s walking into the office excited to hand someone their new keys, or daunted by the competitive energy that she doesn’t enjoy.

I invite you to watch this week’s video to see what she decides.

That you focus on is what you see. Focus on the positive, and you’ll see more positive things. Focus on the negative, and that’s all you’ll see. Of course we’ve all heard this before, but intentional focus takes discipline and awareness. It’s hard for any of us to focus on the positive ALL THE TIME.

Consider your personal relationships. If you focus on the shortcomings of your loved ones, those negative aspects will dominate your interactions. You’ll find yourself trapped in a cycle of frustration and disappointment. However, if you choose to focus on their positive traits and the joy they bring to your life, your relationships will flourish. You’ll experience more gratitude, love, and connection, which in turn will foster a happier and more harmonious environment.

In your professional life, the same principle applies. If you constantly dwell on the challenges, competition, and setbacks, you’ll feel overwhelmed and discouraged. This negative focus can lead to decreased productivity and a lack of motivation. On the other hand, if you concentrate on your achievements, strengths, and the opportunities ahead, you’ll feel more energized and inspired. This positive focus will drive you to take proactive steps towards your goals, enhancing your performance and opening doors to new possibilities.

Even your self-perception is influenced by your focus. If you zero in on your perceived flaws and failures, your self-esteem will suffer. You’ll start to believe you’re not good enough, which can hinder your personal growth and success. But if you instead acknowledge your accomplishments, talents, and potential, your confidence will soar. This positive self-focus empowers you to take on challenges with a resilient mindset, leading to greater personal development and achievement.

Ultimately, your focus determines your reality. By consciously choosing to direct your attention towards the positive aspects of your life, you create a self-reinforcing loop of positivity. This doesn’t mean ignoring challenges or denying difficulties; it means approaching them with a constructive attitude, looking for solutions rather than dwelling on problems. This shift in perspective can transform your experiences and outcomes, leading to a more fulfilling and successful life.

So, here’s my challenge to you: shift your focus. Look for the good, the positive, the uplifting in every situation. When you catch yourself dwelling on the negative, make a conscious effort to redirect your thoughts. Focus on the positive and watch your life and business transform in incredible ways. Remember, you are worthy of everything.

By learning to control what we focus on, we can steer our lives in the direction we truly desire. Let’s make the choice today to focus on the positive and embrace the abundance around us. Tell us in the comments below, What are you focusing on?