Managers, did you play sports in high school? Whether it was football, basketball, or any other activity, there was always a clear structure. At precisely 8:01 AM, the coach had the wide receivers over here, the linemen over there, the defensive backs in another spot, and everyone else in their respective groups. They had drills to run from 8:01 to 8:04, and at 8:04 and 15 seconds, a whistle blew, signaling a shift to the next task. Everything was meticulously planned and managed, with every minute accounted for.

This structure wasn’t just about keeping everyone busy; it was about building discipline, instilling work ethic, and fostering growth. The coach didn’t rely on motivation alone. Instead, he created an environment where structure dictated the flow of activities, ensuring that everyone knew where to be and what to do.

Just like in sports, structure is crucial in the dealership environment. You can’t rely solely on motivation or enthusiasm to get things done. You need a system, a framework that guides your team through their day. By establishing clear structures around activities, you create an environment where productivity can flourish.

I invite you to watch this week’s video to hear more about it!

So, how can you start to implement this now?

  • Schedule Activities: Just as a coach schedules drills, you need to schedule daily activities. This could include morning meetings, training sessions, prospecting times, and customer follow-ups. Each activity should have a set time and duration.

  • Define roles and responsibilities: Everyone on the team should know their role and what is expected of them. This clarity helps avoid confusion and ensures that tasks are completed efficiently.

  • Monitor and adjust: Like the coach who blows the whistle to signal the next drill, you need to monitor the team’s progress and adjust the schedule as necessary. This helps keep everyone on track and ensures that no one gets stuck on a single task.

  • Create a consistent routine: Consistency is key. By following the same structure every day, you help your team develop patterns, habits, and rituals that lead to success. This consistency not only builds a strong work ethic but also creates a sense of reliability and stability in the workplace.

I challenge you to implement this structure in your dealership for the next 60 days. Set a schedule, define roles, monitor progress, and adjust as needed. Make this structure a non-negotiable part of your team’s daily routine. At the end of the 60 days, you’ll notice a significant shift in productivity, efficiency, and overall morale.

Do keep in mind, this is a framework for success. It is meant to exist as a guide, not a reason to be upset with your salespeople. It should move alongside their happiness, not act as a deterrent from it. Don’t walk into it with the expectation that everyone is going to immediately thrive, and most definitely don’t go barking like a coach at your players.

Take the first step today! Start by outlining a daily schedule for your team. Identify the key activities that need to be done and assign specific times for each. Communicate this structure clearly. Remember, the goal is not just to build work ethic but to create an environment where it naturally develops through structured activities.

Tell us in the comments: Are you ready to take on the 60-day challenge and transform your dealership’s performance? Let’s get started and watch as structure becomes the backbone of your success!