It’s for sitting across from somebody and having a great conversation. You see, closing IS important, but it’s not everything. The closing signifies an end to a relationship, and that’s not what we’re trying to do. Is it? 

The key to massive success is not just building the relationship, but maintaining the relationship for life whether you close them or not. That handshake that you greet them with should signify the beginning of a lifelong relationship. 

I invite you to watch this week’s video, and ask yourself, “Aren’t you a brilliant connector?”

Let’s start paying attention to connecting more than closing! Here are a few things to look at in your own business relationships…

→ Treat all of your people like royalty, like they are already your best friend. Take care of everyone the same way – very, very well. For more about presence, connection, and relationships refer to Chapter 5 & 6 of Keep It Simple Selling. Get your free digital copy here!

Create an emotional connection. Build your relationships into bonds and trusts by creating meaningful, personal friendships.

Be their advisor. Offer advice based on THEIR needs. Be compassionate. Get them what they need, and what they can afford. Take care of people so that you are a trusted guide for them. They will always come back to you if they know you are FOR THEM!

In the comments below, tell us about a transactional sale that you’ve turned into a friendship.